Monster Sound / Monster Sound MX100 - Update: README File ========================================================= rel. 0198 This README file contains the following information: It is IMPORTANT that you read this README file before you continue the installation! Otherwise the company cannot accept any responsibility for claims that may be caused as a consequence. 1. Release Notes 2. Update Installation 3. Bracket Layout 4. Configuration 5. Features 6. Diamond Multimedia: Support & Service 1. Release Notes ================ This is update version 1.05 of the Monster Sound / Monster Sound MX100 Windows 95 drivers and utilities (from here on simply called Monster Sound). There are two update packages: MSND105F.EXE - Full Installation (incl. drivers v1.05 and tools) Requires DirectX 5 installed! 2. Update Installation ====================== Note: For the "Full Installation", package MSND105F.EXE you need DirectX 5 installed. Update: Note: The installation process requires a system reboot - if the system seems to hang while rebooting, please press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot correctly. Please see the Software Installation Section of the on-line manual for more information. 3. Monster Sound Card Bracket Layout ==================================== _______ \------\ | | | (*) | Output #1 | | | (*) | Output #2 | | | | | (*) | Microphone | | | (*) | Line-In | | | | | /| | | | | | Joystick/MIDI | | | | | \| | | | \ / | | --- 4. Configuration ================ Use the Monster Control applett located on the taskbar to change the configuration of the Monster Sound card. This includes setting the output mode (stereo vs. quad), configuring the output1 and output2 device(s), and assigning the preferred 3D device. 5. Features =========== This release includes support for following functions and features: DirectSound and DirectSound3D (3D accelerated & enhanced via A3D) Windows Multi-Waveout full duplex audio Windows MIDI (with wavetable daughter card) Windows Mixer Sound Blaster Emulation for DOS based games (in Win95 DOS box) Accelerated Windows Gameport. 6. Support / Service / Latest Software ====================================== Your DIAMOND SuperCD contains the most current information about all our support services. To get this information, run the program "START" and select the menu item "Manuals". You find also support information on End of README